Sharp Employment Solutions


LinkedIn Profile Optimization

LinkedIn is much more than a professional version of Facebook. It can act as your electronic business card and your personal
recruiter when it is used effectively. Recruiters and hiring managers also LinkedIn to recruit talent. However, they often use it as a
confirmatory resource for your work history, education, and skills.
We recommend using LinkedIn for job searching. The key is to get an all-star profile rating. However, this does not come easy as it
requires you to optimize your profile and learn about the different features for navigating LinkedIn.

The Process

Step 1

Write your LinkedIn Profile Summary

We will write your profile summary with the information that will increase your star rating and make you stand out. Moreover, we will certainly increase your search engine ranking which will put your profile a click away for recruiters, head-hunters and hiring managers.

Step 2

Locate and include keywords

Finding talent on LinkedIn comes down to networking, Boolean searches, and keywords for recruiters. If you are hoping to be found on LinkedIn, you will need to have the right keywords included in your LinkedIn profile. This will boost your star rating and increase your chances of being recruited.

Step 3

Management, Networking Tips

We strongly recommend using LinkedIn strategically for job searching, networking, and content sharing. By doing so, you will maintain a positive reputation and your chances of showing up under certain search terms, will be higher. With LinkedIn you will increase your social capital. Once that occurs, you will be more marketable to professionals in your industry, and the LinkedIn community.

Step 4

Why get help with LinkedIn

10 years ago, getting started on LinkedIn was a simpler task. Back then, it was not necessary to get professional help for using LinkedIn effectively. As LinkedIn was mainly focused on being a networking platform for professionals. Since then, LinkedIn has evolved into a job searching, learning, and career management resource application for their users. It is easy to get lost on LinkedIn, but it does not have to be with us at your side.

Our pricing plans reflect the amount of support you will need to become job ready. Some people need more while others do not. That is why we offer a range as opposed to one flat rate across the board.



$120 to $160

Targeted to Job a Posting

Professional resume &

cover letter

$160 to $200

Targeted to Job a Posting
Cover Letter

linkedin profile &


$80 to $110

Linkedin Audit

resume, cover letter &


$290 to $400

Linkedin Package
Additional Advising

Getting Started

If you have questions about the best strategy to reach your employment goal, contact us at 647 797 1684 or for a free call. We’ll ask you about your employment goals and let you know how we can help you. If you already know what you need, click on the package, and place your order. We will contact you within 24hrs to discuss the details and request additional documents.

in Touch

Shoot us a line if you have any questions. We are happy to discuss your employment goals with you.

Sharp Employment Solutions

We value our clients and are always happy to support them through the challenges of looking for work. Please do not hesitate to contact us about how we can get help you.


Call Us !



23 Lesmill Road, Suite 200,
Toronto, ON M3B 3P6

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